Thursday, July 25, 2013

Knowing When to Toss Your Makeup

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Do you have mascara that is all dried out?  Foundation that has changed color?  Funky smelling lipstick?

Well, it may be time to do a makeup purge.  

We all have that favorite lip color or eye pencil that we will use until there is barely any left.  But believe it or not, makeup does have an expiration date and knowing when to toss your products will help guard your skin from breakouts and your health from certain bacterial infections.

Here is a purge schedule on when products must go:

Mascara – the biggest breeder of germs and bacteria, mascara should be thrown out every two to three months, sooner if it begins to smell bad or has dried out.  I always follow this one to a tee.

Liquid Foundation – Liquid foundations should be tossed every 6 to 12 months.  If you notice a change in color, smell or consistency, get rid of it or risk skin breakouts and rashes.  Powder foundations can last a little longer, up to two years after opening.

Concealer – liquid concealer should be tossed after one year, powder or stick concealers up to two years.

Face Powder, Powder Blushes, Powder Highlighters and Bronzers – These items can last up to two years.

Eye Shadow – This is one that I admit I do not follow.  I love eye shadows and I like the more expensive brands, so tossing them every two years is just not happening, 5 to 6, maybe.  Some experts even say every three months because of the risk of eye infections caused by bacteria.  Cream eye shadows tend to grow bacteria quicker than powder formulas.

Eyeliner – Again, because of the closeness to the mucous membrane of the eye and the risk of eye infection, these should be tossed every three months.  Pencils will last a bit longer than liquid with regular sharpening, but if white film starts to develop on the tip they’re done for.…I buy Wet N Wild or Avon Glimmersticks eye liner so I don’t feel bad tossing these, seeing as how I never spend over $3 for my eye liners.

Lipstick and Lip Gloss – Lippie lovers can rejoice!  The risk of these products spoiling (or growing bacteria) is low since they are not water based. But, repeated exposure to the mouth area means that they should be replaced after one year or sooner if you’ve been sick.  Look out for change in smell, texture and consistency as well.

Nail Polish – nail lacquers will not go bad from bacteria, but with age they will dry out and become thick and clumpy.  If after you shake up the formula and it remains separated, it’s time to toss it!

Makeup Tools – Brushes can be quite expensive, especially high quality ones, so wanting to hold on to them for as long as possible is understandable.  With proper cleaning and storage, quality brushes can last for several years.  But if you notice a lot of fraying or shedding it may be time to shop for a new set.  

More Tips:

Bacteria are the top reason to toss makeup immediately.  If you get an eye infection or a cold sore or any other bacterial infection near your eyes or mouth, throw out all makeup that came in contact with the area and start fresh once the infection has cleared up.

Keep makeup in a cool, dry place away from heat and humidity, which is breeding grounds for bacteria and can cause changes in the formula more rapidly.

To help me remember when to get rid of a makeup product, I write the date I bought the item on a label and stick it to the product.  This makes it easier to determine if something has gotten old and needs to be tossed.

I do not advise sharing makeup with anyone.  

As a personal rule, anything that I put directly from the container onto my face, I do not share or I clean all applicators and the top surface of the product with skin-friendly antibacterial wipes before and after using on someone else.


  1. This post is honestly so helpful! Thank you so much, you have a lovely blog(:
